How to Increase Interest in English

Below are effective ways you can stay motivated with studying English.

English is one of the most important languages in the world. This beautiful language is everywhere as it is estimated that over 1 billion people are learning English worldwide at any one time. To study English well, there are key things you should consider. One of them is staying motivated. Learning English needs a lot of motivation. Once you are ready to begin studying, stick by it until the end.

Motivation to learn English as a second language

Understand problems you may have with learning the language

Understanding your problem will help you solve it and become interested in learning English. Some possible problems one might have are: lacking in confidence, lacking in vocabulary or feared about making mistakes or being judged.

Try to see the bigger picture

Step back and see the larger picture of your desired outcomes or dreams of being proficient in English in your life. Savour the idea of how English can be factored in as part of your normal life,  for example, academic pursuits, career development, social networking or financial health. You know, English is a global life skill!

Do what you love

TED TALK ACTIVITY: listening to Ted talks is an excellent way to help our students understand different accents and think about some interesting topics (Work, Music, Business, relationships). Before listening to the Ted talk, the students engage in speaking and vocabulary activities that will prepare them for the actual listening. For sure it is quite a challenging activity, but the students enjoy it as they feel they are getting ready for academic courses. (INTERMEDIATE 2, TEACHER DILLY))

Follow the celebrity fan page you adore; read magazines of interest to you; watch your favourite show on Netflix with English audio or subtitles; memorise and sing along the chorus of your favourite English song; get inspired watching the best TED Talks in English. Whatever it is, enjoy learning English.

Study English in an English speaking country

One of the main challenges when studying English in a non-speaking country is that you don’t have many opportunities to practise English with your friends and teachers and of course hardly with foreigners. Your motivation is easily lost beyond your classroom. However, studying English with Scots, you will use English with native speakers not just within your class but also in your daily conversations.

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